Eachnight may earn commissions for products you purchase through our links. Our articles and reviews include affiliate links and advertisements, including amerisleep advertising. Learn more Updated December 31, 2024Key TakeawaysHuman-Animal Bond: The pandemic has had a significant impact on pet owners’ mental health, with a majority reporting negative feelings such as anxiety, stress, loneliness, and uncertainty about the future. Notably, 68% of pet owners are experiencing anxiety, and 55.1% feel unsure about the future. These negative emotions among pet owners could have implications for their pets, as 60% of respondents reported observing anxiety-related behaviors in their pets during the pandemic.Concerns About Pet Abandonment: While there is evidence of increased pet adoption during the pandemic, there are also concerns about pet abandonment. Four out of ten pet owners in the survey indicated that they would consider giving up their infected pets during the COVID-19 pandemic. This reflects the fear and uncertainty generated by the global crisis, which could result in unfortunate consequences for pets.Impact of Returning to Work: As lockdown restrictions ease and people start returning to work, pet owners are worried about leaving their pets at home. This transition from spending more time with pets to being away for extended hours can be challenging for both pets and owners. The survey found that 58% of pet owners are concerned about leaving their pets at home when it’s time to return to work. This shift to the “new normal” presents potential challenges for pets and their owners as they adjust to changes in routines.The Coronavirus pandemic is creating anxiety and stress for humans, but chances are, our furry companions could likely feeling the same way. We surveyed 1047 pet owners across the United States during the pandemic to find out.About The Research2020 has been an unprecedented year, with the COVID-19 pandemic completely changing the way many people thought we’d be spending our year. There’s no doubt the pandemic has had a massive impact on individuals. With more than 11 million cases and 500,000 deaths, it’s clear that the pandemic has been devastating.However, the impact isn’t just related to health. It’s had a profound impact on the mentality of individuals. Tensions have never been higher, and people are at loggerheads with each other every day. Whether it’s arguing about the effectiveness of masks or the current political climate, the modern-day environment is a breeding ground for anxiety.This anxiety isn’t just restricted to just you and your family, though. It’s very easy for these feelings to translate to your beloved pets as well. Several researchers are theorizing that behavioral changes in individuals are affecting their pets. It makes sense to look into the matter completely, and ask the public whether they’re noticing any changes in their pet’s behavior, which is why we are conducting this survey.The participants in the survey include 1047 pet owners in the United States. Out of these opponents, there are 60% that are dog owners, 21% own a cat, 15.3% own both, and 3.7% fall in the others category. Part 1: The Human-Animal BondPets could be feeling secondhand anxiety from their owners.Pet Owners Are Dealing With Negative Feelings During The PandemicFor the first part of our survey, we wanted to understand the condition of the owners. This would allow us to form a basis on which to establish whether they could be transmitting negative secondhand feelings to their pets. Hence, the first question deals with whether pet owners are experiencing negative feelings during the pandemic.68% of pet owners are suffering from anxiety57.5% of respondents are reporting they feel stressed27.6% of respondents reported feeling lonely55.1% of participants reported that they feel unsure about the futureThese results indicate the pandemic has had a distinctively negative impact on American citizens. A virus that’s devastating the globe on an unprecedented scale will create a very panic environment. People are still unsure about the future.Does This Affect Our Beloved Pets?The second question in the survey deals with whether the owners are noticing any anxiety-related behavior in their pets during the COVID-19 pandemic.60% of respondents notice an anxiety-related behavior in their pets during the COVID-19 pandemic. 68% of those pet owners are dealing with anxiety themselvesPets could be feeling secondhand anxiety from their owners who are coping with lifestyle changes caused by the pandemic. Pets and owners share a ‘human-animal bond’ due to the close amount of time they spent together. In most cases, the younger animal imprints on humans, which helps develop a bond. Regardless of whether the animal is a dog or a cat, they’ll form a significant relationship with the humans that provide them with love and affection.This bond between humans and animals isn’t something new. It dates back to our ancestors, who would go on hunts with wolves.So, it’s perfectly possible that humans can transfer secondhand emotions to their pets. Given the current climate, with the global pandemic and political unrest, tensions are at an all-time high. The general public is experiencing severe anxiety, which they’re transferring onto their pets.While initially there was the general idea that pets would actually appreciate the additional amount of time they can spend with owners. It’s turning out to be wrong. While humans can consume information and engage in activities to reduce stress, pets can only see their owners going through stress. It can be an especially confusing time for the animal.Part 2: Pets & Coronavirus What if Our Pets Get Infected?Four out of ten pet owners would consider giving up their infected pet during the COVID-19 pandemic.These results are dramatically different from when individuals were questioned about whether they were worried about their pets. There’s been an increased incidence of abandoned pets since the lockdown. Time reports that there was a surge in abandoned pets during China’s coronavirus lockdown.It’s heartbreaking to think that pets that would normally receive love are being abandoned during these trying times. That’s the kind of fear this global pandemic instills in the people. However, it’s not all doom and gloom. As has been the case throughout history, pets have been great companions during the COVID-19 pandemic as well.Could Pet Spread COVID-19 to You and Your family?With the onset of the virus, people have been encouraged to take more precautions against the disease. During the early days of the pandemic, there was a fear arising that pets could transmit the virus to their owners. However, the World Health Organization was quick to dispel the rumors in a tweet, suggesting that currently, no evidence links the transmission of the virus from pets to humans.We asked in the survey whether the owners were worried that their pets could spread COVID-19 to them and their families. The answers showcase that a wide majority of individuals weren’t worried.27% of pet owners were worried about their pet spreading COVID-19 to the family These results go hand in hand with the news that humans aren’t at risk from their pets. However, the CDC states that if you are infected with COVID, it’s best to avoid contact with your pets. It’s possible that you can transmit the disease to your pets.We Are Lucky to Have PetsDuring the lockdown, when everyone is in quarantine, a lot of people are experiencing a severe lack of human contact. However, where pets come in, the lockdown provides a chance to connect with them more. Spending more time at home means that you get to spend more time with your beloved pets. Their unconditional love can go a long way in helping owners make up for the lack of human contact.91% of respondents stated that having a pet helps them during the quarantine and social distancing A recent trend on Twitter is treating your pets like your colleagues because so many people are working from home. Many individuals are tweeting about working at home with their pets joining in from time to time. Mark tweets that he’s sharing his office with a cat; he mostly sits at the desk and looks out the window.Recent data also showcases that while pet abandonment is surging, pet adoption has never been higher. Now more than ever, people are looking to get a pet to keep them company during the pandemic. Part 3: The Next Steps and the “New Normal”When It’s Time To Return To The OfficeAs an increasing number of states are beginning to ease lockdown restrictions, people are beginning to return back to work. After spending so much time at home, it’s natural that the transition isn’t going too smoothly for certain people. Therefore, it’s fair to have that same worry for pets.58% of pet owners worry about leaving their pets at home when it’s time to return to work Those that respond with yes might be aware of the impact the pandemic is having, not only them but their pets as well. Animals that were already anxious before the pandemic appreciate the increasing amount of time they get to spend with owners.However, as their owners begin to start returning to work, this disturbs the animal and gives them stress. Making that jump from being home all of the time to being gone for eight or more hours at a time is really hard on our pets. It can be difficult for these pets, to then begin to readjust.What Would You Do To Protect Your Pet?Our last question deals with what individuals can do to protect their pets during the coronavirus pandemicAccording to the CDC, we shouldn’t put face coverings on pets. Covering a pet’s face could harm them. Yet more than 20% of pet owners still put face coverings on their pets.61.4% of owners respond with keeping their pets indoors and not letting them roam outside freely. A further 64.6% claim that they would avoid public places, and 46.2 % claim that they’ll spend more time with them. While the latter might lead to animal stress later, it’s not an entirely bad thing, and the CDC recommends all the steps above.However, one thing the CDC does not recommend is putting face coverings on their pet. However, 20.3% of owners still claim that they’ll put face coverings on pets; this is one habit that needs to change.Methodology And LimitationsTo collect the data shown above, we surveyed 1,047 pet owners in the United States. An attention-checker question was included to ensure the participants did not mindlessly answer questions.Because the survey relies on self-reporting, issues such as telescoping and exaggeration can influence responses. Please also note that this survey’s results do not reflect our opinions.Fair Use StatementIf you know someone who could benefit from our findings, feel free to share this project with them. The graphics and content are available for noncommercial reuse. All we ask is that you link back to this page so that readers get all the necessary information and our contributors receive proper credit.Other Important ReadingsCoronavirus Pandemic And Americans SleepSleep and the Immune System: Using Sleep to Combat the CoronavirusBeen sleeping less this last year? You’re not aloneHealthcare Worker’s Sleep During COVID-19 Pandemic In The U.S.How Much Americans Would Pay For a Perfect Night’s Sleep During COVID-19 Pandemic?Sleep Habits Post Lockdown In The U.S. (2020)COVID-19 Effect On Dreams: New Study Of 1000 AmericansSurvey: 64% Of Americans Have Nightmares About WorkNetflix & Sleep In The U.S. (2020)About the author Jasmin LeeJasmin Lee is dedicated to helping others get better sleep—when she’s not napping, you can often find her researching the latest in bedding and mattress technology. Her fascination with sleep fuels her drive to connect readers with the resources they need to improve their night’s rest. 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